‘In Concert’ exhibition – letterers were asked to contribute a piece which brought together music and lettering, here’s a section of my entry. The exhibion is on until November 2017 I think.
Exhibition in Norway
I’m contributing to Bas Vlam’s Norwegian calligraphy Society’s exhibition marking 30 years’ existence, and with him as its chairman.
here’s my entry
Classes at Ardington School of Crafts
Do check this school’s website, there are lots of calligraphy opportunities, including some courses I’m teaching
and the food and ambience is great!
Season’s Greetings
writing on walls
I had a lot of fun writing on the walls in the foyer of Reading’s PROGRESS THEATRE last week – we wash it all off soon. It was on display during their annual playwriting festival so I made some artworks about the plays and then big quotes about writing or theatre on the walls.
All gone now! Except for two quotes, above booking office and bar. This little theatre is worth a visit, check www.progresstheatre.co.uk
CLAS AGM 14 March
The Calligraphy & Lettering Arts Society is using the British Library again this year for its AGM. This will coincide with the new Magna Carta exhibition so it’ll be pretty busy.
I’m helping out on the sales table and presenting a report on the educational side of CLAS.
SSI Lay Members Day
I am to give the slide talk critiquing members’ entries for this big event in the Society of Scribes & Illuminators’ calendar. I promise to be kind – I know how it felt when I was New and my entry went up on the screen! I know there will be a broad selection of work. If you want to attend the day visit calligraphyonline.org to book a ticket for 25th April. it’ll be a great day
Guild Show
Milland exhibition
Do visit the Contemporary Crafts show SAT 23rd 7 SUN 24th November 2013 at Milland Village Hall, Milland, nr Liphook, GU30 7NA
All the makers will be there, and they’ve invited me to join them; there’s weaving, ceramics, jewellery, sculpture, fused glass – and stay for tea & cake or soup & rolls at lunchtime, for a donation to Samaritans. Hope you can make it
Progress on show
We put up the show on Monday, here’s Chris Moran up the ladder getting the lighting right.
the 8 plays are one-act new writing and I had a lot of fun picking a short quote from each and making it calligraphic